Thursday 25th March- Filming the Thriller
For the filiming of our thriller we meet at Hayley's house during our break at 11.30 before we beagn filming we did another practice run of what we actually wanted to film, after filming the practice run we got the shots that we needed from outside Hayley's house for these shots we needed Hayley's sister to play a younger version of her. We then got the shots that were needed for our flashbacks where we see Hayley as a young girl being abused by a family member, we got two different types of abusing shots as it is only the opening two minutes of a thriller.
The next shots we got were the hardest and the most important scenes within our thriller as they were the shots that required Hayley to be in the bath. Firstly we had to get a couple of shots of Hayley before she went under water; we then had to get shots of her actually going under water, we have a lot of these shots as it was hard for Hayley to get under the water because of it going up her nose finally after figuring out how to get her to stay under water for the length of time that we needed we got shots of her going under the water and waiting for a few seconds before shooting back up.
The last set of shots involved Hayley and her sister, where we see Hayley and her sister looking at each other after Hayley has come out of the bath. We then got shots of Hayley falling back onto her bed, again we got this shot from a variety of angles.
The last set of shots involved Hayley and her sister, where we see Hayley and her sister looking at each other after Hayley has come out of the bath. We then got shots of Hayley falling back onto her bed, again we got this shot from a variety of angles.
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