Saturday 27 March 2010

Changes made to our Animatic

As our thriller must be a minimum of 2 mins long when filming began we added a few more scenes and shots into the middle of the storyboard.

Instead of starting the beginning of the film going ny going straight to Hayley being in the bath we deceide to have some shots from outside Hayley's house and also a few shots of Hayley's sister outside. The scenes of Hayley in the bath we have left the same as on the storyboard but after Hayley gets out of the bath we added in the next scene where Hayley and her sister are staring at each other, we decided to add this scene to make it seem as if Hayley has seen a ghost of her past she then we then also have shots of Hayley walking past her sister and a few of a picture of death. The storyboard then goes back to how it was planned with Hayley falling back onto the bed and having another flashback.

We decided to add this section in the middle of the opening as sit would make the opening longer and it would also make it mire dramatic to try and get the audience to ask questions such as, "Who is that girl?", "Why is she seeing her?". By adding these scenes in we have also added three Thriller conventions, tension, mystery and suspense.

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