Tuesday 23 March 2010

Filming update

We began our filming on Friday 19th, March and we will continue to film our on Wednesday 24th, March during our Media lesson and on Thursday 25th, March in our own time by doing this and by me also as the editor coming back in my own time to edit the film will allow us to meet our deadline of April 1st, 2010.

The film is set at Hayley's house where we will be filming our bath scene during our own time on Thursday; this scene has to be filmed right as Hayley will need to under water and if it goes wrong it will mean we will have to wait for Hayley to dry her hair for us to try again,
The film is set at Hayley's house and on Thursday we will begin to film our bath scene to make sure that this scene is filmed perfect first time round we will discuss what needs to be shot and how it should be shot and to also make sure we get it right we will be doing a practice run of what and how to get the shots we want.

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